Soft skills are the real power skills.

There’s two buttons I never like hittin’. That’s panic and snooze.
— Ted Lasso

Soft skills have gotten a bad wrap.

The term ‘soft skills’ was first introduced in U.S. Army training courses in the early 1970’s to refer to interpersonal skills, rather than the skills needed for operating machinery or using weapons. Fast forward, for the last fifty years these crucial skills have been largely left behind in education and professional training. But here are the facts:

  • 85% of on-the-job success comes from soft skills & people skills, rather than technical proficiency

  • While 97% of employers agree soft skills are essential, 89% of those who fail within the first 18 months of employment were said to have lacked adequate soft skills

  • And, though 92% of hiring managers state that soft skills are more important than hard skills, 63% of Millennials say their company does not sufficiently invest in developing their leadership skills

Most resources related to soft skills development are completely DIY. Whether it's a book, a podcast, an online course, or simply trying to emulate someone you admire, it's always a solo endeavor.

That’s awful, and lacks two key ingredients: action and accountability.

We developed Everything else to completely change this paradigm — to shift these absolutely paramount soft skills from the background to the forefront of education, business, and our lives. No skills are more critical, because they are what help us fight the panic and snooze buttons, geared towards our emotional intelligence, intentionality, confidence, grit, and bias towards taking action.

Modern technology has made these skills even more critical, whether it’s working from home, working with artificial intelligence, or working through our communities both IRL and URL. How we communicate, motivate, influence, mobilize, and inspire ourselves and others has never held more significance than at this moment.

Our flagship six-week, live, online group coaching program is a tiny fraction ($1500 USD) of the cost of traditional post-secondary tuition, and we’re confident you’ll yield significantly more real-world value — helping you to become more intentional, more successful, happier, and more fulfilled.

Why? Well, because we’re covering Everything else you never learned, but should have, in school or on-the-job, plus you’ll leave armed with new relationships, mentors, and tools to support your path forward.

There’s no better investment than the investment you make in yourself. Join us.

Here we grow,

- Matt & Geoff











Go 〰️ Lead 〰️ Try 〰️ Grow 〰️ Learn 〰️

It’s hearts and minds, not minds and hearts.

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